Supporting a

Bright Future for

Vermont Jews

Our Vision is to support, connect, and strengthen our Jewish community in Vermont, Israel and the world. We are dedicated to proactively advocating for the Jewish community while promoting education, understanding and collaboration with other communities.

Support amidst antisemitism


Connection with Israel


Partnership for peace


Support amidst antisemitism · Connection with Israel · Partnership for peace ·


Ensuring Support Amidst Antisemitism

Shalom Alliance is committed to safeguarding the Jewish Community in Vermont against the growing threat of antisemitism, whether through advocacy, education or other means.

Promoting Understanding of the Jewish Community’s Connection to Israel

Shalom Alliance seeks to promote awareness and appreciation of the Jewish Community’s relationship with Israel. This involves increasing knowledge about Israel among diverse groups in Vermont, and nurturing opportunities for peaceful and constructive dialogue.

Partnering for Peace Between the Jewish Community and the Greater Vermont Community

Shalom Alliance seeks to establish stronger ties with the wider Vermont Community to tackle essential issues collaboratively and foster inclusivity and understanding.