Debbie Lechtman

Debbie Lechtman is a Jewish, Israeli, and Latina writer, educator, and content creator. She is a sitting board member at Indigenous Bridges, writes educational content and curriculums on Jewish history and identity for the Anti-Defamation League, Creative Community for Peace, Honest Reporting, and more, and works as a research assistant for a top Israeli journalist. She has collaborated with a number of renowned organizations, including Jewish on Campus and the Center for Peace Communications, and has also presented lectures at a number of events, including events hosted by Limmud, the American Jewish Committee, the Holocaust Center for Humanity, Hillel, and Microsoft. In the past, she worked as a guide, educator, and curator at Costa Rica’s only Jewish museum and wrote for a number of Jewish publications.


Over the years, the wider Jewish community has questioned JVP’s alleged Jewishness. Its views are, statistically, not representative of the Jewish community as a whole. Many of its chapters were started by non-Jews. In 2019, Facebook’s transparency feature revealed that the JVP page administrator was based in Lebanon, a fact that JVP later tried to hide. There are around 20 Jews living in Lebanon today, all of them elderly, which makes it unlikely that any of them have managed the page. JVP has also hosted panels on “antisemitism” ran by people who are not only not Jewish, but have also been accused of antisemitism in the past.



Noa Tishby


John Spencer